Home Driver instructions – Willebroek
ODTH Willebroek

Driver instructions

Step 1: Before your trip

Victor Dumonlaan 13, 2830 Willebroek, Belgium

View route

ODTH is using an automated registration system, make sure you have:

  • Reference number (the one agreed between ODTH and the customer) or QR code
  • Identification (passport)
  • Transport documents
  • Clean license plate number on truck

Step 2: Booking an hour slot

ODTH is asking to book an un-/loading slot, valid for one hour. We understand that for LTL it is not always possible to calculate the route of a truck within one hour. It is important to understand that your truck will still be (un)loaded as soon as possible outside this slot. The slot will give you priority if you register inside the slot.


Example:  You have booked a slot between 14:00 PM and 15:00 PM.

  • Truck register between 14:00 PM and 14:59 PM: truck will be (un)loaded with priority.

  • Truck register at 15:01 PM: truck will still be (un)load at first opportunity, but trucks with a slot for 15:00 PM will be given priority.


Average time of unloading of palletized cargo FTL is 60 – 90 min. This include trucks that have issues with registering and trucks registering outside their hour slot.

If you missed your day of appointment, your reference will still be valid for the next day. ODTH will confirm back a time slot within 90 minutes during working hours.

Step 3: Your arrival

ODTH is using an automated register system with ANPR camera’s.


  • Park at the preparking
  • Register by self sign-on
  • Recieve your unique un-/loading card
  • Drive to the correct dockdoor

Entrance of the preparking

Entrance of the preparking is seperated from de load/unload zone. It’s located on the left of the road when you arrive and marked with “ONLY ODTH” sign.

Please park your truck on the preparking and walk to the office container for the self sign-on.

Self sign-on

Annouce your arrival by using the self sign-on tablets (Needed: unique reference or QR code, passport and a booking slot)

After a succesfull registration the system will ask you to wait in the truck, an officer will come to you to hand over a un-/loading card.


The un-/loading card will indicate the route to follow to the main entrance and correct dockdoor.

Access will be granded at the main enterance by number plate recognition.