ODTH is proud of its status as a first-class logistics provider. To meet these self-imposed strict requirements, ODTH has developed its own management system QESHAS (Quality, Environment, Safety, Health and Security). Thanks to the focus on quality and safety in our organisation and culture, ODTH can guarantee the highest quality levels in various logistics branches. ODTH monitors its logistics processes starting from a risk-based approach and can in this way ensure that not only logistics KPIs are met, but that objectives regarding quality, safety and the environment are also achieved.
The abbreviation stands for Quality, Environment, Safety, Health Assurance. The aim is to achieve uniformity throughout the organisation.
ODTH’s QESHA management system applies to the logistics handling (loading, unloading, storage under different temperature conditions, case picking, order processing and packaging reprocessing) of goods (including medicines and dangerous products) for transport over land and water.
ISO 9001
ISO 9001, an internationally recognised quality management standard, plays a crucial role in ensuring consistency, reliability and customer focus.
The ISO 9001 standard promotes a culture of continuous improvement and encourages employees to actively participate in identifying opportunities for improvement and implementing innovative solutions. This leads to a learning organisation that continuously adapts to changing market conditions and stricter customer requirements.
Guidelines on Good Distribution Practice of Medicinal Products for Human Use
GDP includes strict guidelines and standards that ensure the quality, safety and integrity of pharmaceutical products throughout the entire distribution chain.
A Good Distribution Practice (GDP) certificate serves as proof that a company meets the highest standards for distribution practices in the pharmaceutical sector. The certificate confirms that the company has the necessary infrastructure, processes and control systems to ensure that pharmaceutical products are stored, handled and distributed under optimal conditions.
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines
Medical devices regulation – ISO 13485
ODTH does not have a separate ISO certificate for medical devices. However, due to the combination of ISO 9001 certification and the GDP certificate, ODTH does meet the standards related to this.
This permit, issued by the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC), confirms that we comply with strict standards and regulations in the area of food safety and hygiene. We work closely with the FASFC to ensure that our operational processes and facilities meet the highest standards of the food industry. With this permit you can rest assured that your products are in safe hands during transport and storage, while we ensure the integrity of the food chain.
Storage of packaged organic goods for third parties. This certificate means that we meet strict standards for the storage of organic products. Our site in Rumst has been carefully checked and approved according to organic guidelines, where we ensure that your organic products are stored separately and correctly.
AEO (Authorised Economic Operator)
The AEO Certificate (Authorised Economic Operator) is a certificate issued by Customs to companies that operate internationally. An AEO certificate offers companies advantages in international trade, for example they are less strictly controlled in cross-border trade, which reduces delays at borders. To obtain the status of Authorised Economic Operator, a company must meet a number of security criteria.
ODTH has an AEO certificate for both customs simplifications and security.
TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Association)
TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Association) offers a globally recognised certification programme specifically aimed at ensuring the safety and security of goods during transport and storage.
TAPA certification confirms that a company meets the strictest standards and applies best practices in the area of logistics chain security. The certificate demonstrates that the company has implemented robust security measures to protect valuable cargo from theft, sabotage and other criminal activity.
The SEVESO certificate is an important document for chemical companies that work with dangerous substances and processes. The certificate is named after the European SEVESO directive, which was developed to control and minimize the risks of major accidents involving dangerous substances.
The certificate forces companies to implement a sound safety management system and carry out risk analyses. This forces companies to take a critical look at their processes, installations and safety measures and to address any weaknesses. The result is an increase in safety awareness and a reduction in the risk of major accidents.
ISO 14001, an international standard for environmental management, provides FMCG companies with the necessary guidelines and frameworks to manage and reduce their environmental impact.
First, the certificate helps them build a strong reputation as an environmentally conscious organisation committed to sustainability. It shows that they meet international standards and strive for environmental protection in their business operations.